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Home - It's What We Do

  •   Warm, family environment
  •  Assistance with all activities of daily living
  •  Home cooked meals, snacks, special diets followed
  •  Health & medication monitoring
  •  All residents are seen multiple times per week by Nurses on staff
  •  Nurses always on call for any emergency 24 hours / 7 days per week
  •  Social activities
  •  Field trips / Outings
  •  Cable TV
  •  Bathing & grooming assistance

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Mission Statement

We are passionately committed to enriching and making a positive difference in people’s lives by serving our residents and families with compassion, respect, excellence and integrity. We will encourage and promote a supportive environment, health, independence and social interaction of all our residents.

Core Values

  • Put the residents first in all we do.
  • Have a passion for service to the disabled.
  • Understand the importance of independence, choice, and dignity to quality of life.
  • Work together as a team with respect for others that includes honesty, integrity, understanding, communication and trust.
  • Recognize that good people make the difference.
  • Desire to constantly evaluate and improve.
  • Have fun and celebrate life every day.


Our goal is to foster an environment which encourages team cooperation and success. Our mission is achieved by setting high standards, encouraging honest feedback, education, and training. We are dedicated to treating residents like real people with real stories to honor and celebrate, and involving family, guardians, medical personnel, social workers and our staff in coordination of care.

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